Screw Congress, I'm Obama damnit!
Executive Dictatorship: Obama Wants Stimulus Projects Without Congressional Authorization
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Screw Congress, I'm Obama damnit!
Executive Dictatorship: Obama Wants Stimulus Projects Without Congressional Authorization
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Which group are you more like...?
Occupy Wall Street protesters support the mass murderer and Communist revolutionary Che Guevara while Tea Party members protest against President Obama surrounding himself with cronies who haven't even paid their taxes while talking about raising taxes.
But make no mistake about it, the hardcore communists that are orchestrating the protest are well organized.
Reports are that the Occupy Wall Street protest is turning into a Woodstock atmosphere with people having sex, doing drugs, and partying.
Read more at toddkinsey.comOccupy Wall Street protester crapping on a police car; this is not mainstream America.
‘Occupy Wall Street’ Is Creating Jobs…AstroTurf Jobs
Are you a late sleeper looking for work? The protests on Wall Street could be just the place for you to start a career. And no experience is needed, they are willing to train you!
Who are these people who want to pay you to be part of the protests that former Speaker Pelosi called “spontaneous”?
Read more at www.theblaze.comThe jobs are with the Working Families Party.
What is the Working Families Party? WFP is a New York-based, left leaning political party that had strong ties to ACORN and also receives substantial financial support from large unions like SEIU. The New York Times describes them this way;
The Working Families Party was formed in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions and community groups as a way of prodding Democratic candidates to pay more attention to the organizations’ needs.
And the WFP is also hiring people to work at the protests on Wall Street.
The following was taken from two different ads on Craigslist, the first one appeared on September 21st;
The next ad ran on September 26th;
(Yes, we realize that “DIFFERNENCE” should be spelled differently, the image above is a screen capture of the Craigslist help-wanted ad.)
Can this non-profit organization really be PAYING people to protest? Yes!
And you don’t even need experience – they are willing to train you, and it is a paid training program.
From the body of the ad;
- The only requirements are that you are enthusiastic and an energetic communicator with a passion for improving New York!
- We offer substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership on advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, networking and organizing.
- We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.
- Working hours are from 1 PM to 9 PM. Work environment is team-oriented, casual but professional.
The ad also states that pay is between $350-$650 per week.
Well, from these pictures, I guess you can say this is EXACTLY like a Tea Party Rally... Yeah, right... Astro-Turf Douches backed by Unions and the Obama Administration...
Useful Idiots.
Politics ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?
The situation down at Occupy Wall Street continues to deteriorate, as sanitary conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more “equitable” society.
Apparently, there are now teenagers and young adults who have descended upon Wall Street in an effort to turn the gathering into a rave. With a “sex, drugs and rock and roll” mentality apparently infiltrating the protests, Mail Online reports:
Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.
A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping.
These reports will likely only create more angst for Brookfield Office Properties, the company which owns Zuccotti Park (the site of the protests). Brookfield has made its sanitation concerns known. In a recent statement, company officials wrote:
“Sanitation is a growing concern…Normally the park is cleaned and inspected every week night…because the protesters refuse to cooperate…the park has not been cleaned since Friday, September 16th and as a result, sanitary conditions have reached unacceptable levels.”
Read more at www.theblaze.comAs the protests enter their fourth week, there’s no telling what will happen next considering both behaviors and the longevity of the cause.