
Monday, October 10, 2011

This About Says It All...

Which group are you more like...?

Amplify’d from

The Tea Party treats the American flag with reverence while the Occupy Wall Street protesters desecrate our flag by crapping on it, letting it touch the ground, writing on it, and displaying it backwards.

The Tea Party loves America and wants a return to our founding principals while the Occupy Wall St. protesters want to destroy the very fabric of American society.

Occupy Wall Street protesters support the mass murderer and Communist revolutionary Che Guevara while Tea Party members protest against President Obama surrounding himself with cronies who haven't even paid their taxes while talking about raising taxes.

The Tea Party is proud to be an American while the Occupy Wall Street protesters are fighting for policies that failed in Communist Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and everywhere else they've been tried.

The Occupy Wall Street crowd want free healthcare, college tuition, and a living wage whether they're employed or not.

The OCW protesters are supposedly "environmentalists" and support "green initiatives," however, they are turning the protest area into a virtual landfill. Meanwhile, the Tea Party groups that attended Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally left the National Mall in pristine condition.

But make no mistake about it, the hardcore communists that are orchestrating the protest are well organized.

Reports are that the Occupy Wall Street protest is turning into a Woodstock atmosphere with people having sex, doing drugs, and partying.

Occupy Wall Street protester crapping on a police car; this is not mainstream America.


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