
Monday, October 10, 2011

Is this really a cause to support...???

Well, from these pictures, I guess you can say this is EXACTLY like a Tea Party Rally... Yeah, right... Astro-Turf Douches backed by Unions and the Obama Administration...

Useful Idiots.

Amplify’d from

Politics ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?

The situation down at Occupy Wall Street continues to deteriorate, as sanitary conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more “equitable” society.

Apparently, there are now teenagers and young adults who have descended upon Wall Street in an effort to turn the gathering into a rave. With a “sex, drugs and rock and roll” mentality apparently infiltrating the protests, Mail Online reports:

Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.

A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping.

These reports will likely only create more angst for Brookfield Office Properties, the company which owns Zuccotti Park (the site of the protests). Brookfield has made its sanitation concerns known. In a recent statement, company officials wrote:

“Sanitation is a growing concern…Normally the park is cleaned and inspected every week night…because the protesters refuse to cooperate…the park has not been cleaned since Friday, September 16th and as a result, sanitary conditions have reached unacceptable levels.”

As the protests enter their fourth week, there’s no telling what will happen next considering both behaviors and the longevity of the cause.


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