
Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is your country on drugs...

Obama Regime is selling out our friends to our enemies. This cannot be a good thing. Investigations MUST be done. I hope after 2012, there will be a lot of new inmates.

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Government WikiLeaks: US Agreed to Reveal UK’s Nuclear Secrets to Russia

In yet another bombshell disclosure this week, the online site WikiLeaks is shedding disturbing new light on the “special relationship” that once bound the United States and Great Britain.

Now-public embassy cables released Friday by WikiLeaks seem to suggest that the United States secretly agreed to share sensitive information about Britain’s nuclear program in exchange for Russian cooperation in signing a key arms treaty.

According to an exclusive report from the UK’s Telegraph, the United States government agreed to share information about every Trident missile the U.S. supplies to Britain with Russia as part of an agreement President Barack Obama is expected to sign on to next week.

Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy, which are published online today. …

A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain’s nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia’s support for the “New START” deal.  Although the treaty was not supposed to have any impact on Britain, the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK’s Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US.

Washington lobbied London in 2009 for permission to supply Moscow with detailed data about the performance of UK missiles. The UK refused, but the US agreed to hand over the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain.

Professor Malcolm Chalmers said: “This appears to be significant because while the UK has announced how many missiles it possesses, there has been no way for the Russians to verify this. Over time, the unique identifiers will provide them with another data point to gauge the size of the British arsenal.” …

While the US and Russia have long permitted inspections of each other’s nuclear weapons, Britain has sought to maintain some secrecy to compensate for the relatively small size of its arsenal.


Friday, February 4, 2011

But is it really a surprise?

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Environment Surprise: GE Scores First Exemption From Obama Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Last month, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began regulating greenhouse gases from power plants and polluters for the first time.  The new regulations stirred immediate controversy as critics predicted they would only slow down the nation’s economic recovery.   Uncertainty in the agency’s regulations caused energy producers to stall plans for future operations in an already struggling economy.

“Finally we’ve got the rules that are beginning to require power companies to account for their global warming pollution,” Southern Environmental Law Center attorney Cale Jaffe said. “That’s a historic turn of events.”

But just one month later, the Obama administration has begun handing out exemptions from the rules, starting with a power plant project stocked with technology from the company whose boss now leads the president’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness — Jeffrey Immelt’s GE.


MMmmm.... Cheese....

Does this scare anyone? Please wake up.

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So much for objectivity. One of the FCC stipulations of the Comcast – NBCU merger was the incorporation of non-profit journalism centers into NBC newsrooms. They are charged with maintaining and increasing local news coverage, the regulation based on the relationship between KNSD-TV and

Under the terms of the FCC order approving Comcast’s takeover of NBCU, at least half of NBC’s 10 O&Os have to find a nonprofit news center with which to work within the next year. The order cites the alliance as the model for what it would like to see in other NBC markets.

There’s just one problem with this: Voice of San Diego is a member of INN (Investigative News Network) which is funded by the Open Society Institute, the URL of which is “” Yes, these “non-profit” journalism centers are funded by George Soros.

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Please Watch This... @MSNBC_CMatthews

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Beck's Matthews Mocked Conspiracy Confirmed: Communists, Socialists Working With Muslim Brotherhood

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sometimes the "Close-up" just isn't close enough...

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KPRC Channel 2 Anchor Flips the Bird

Local Newscaster flips the bird...Watch the bottom left corner of the screen....


Once again... Imagine if this was a Tea Party Rally.

The following video was taken at the anti-Koch brothers protest in Palm Spring, CA last weekend. What you’re about to see is shocking — “peaceful” leftist protesters calling for the torture and death of Clarence Thomas as well as the death of Fox News executives, and one woman challenging Glenn Beck to a duel with her “Glock.”

You’ll also hear one person calling for revolution and another saying Thomas should sent “back to the fields”:

[CONTENT WARNING: Contains vulgar language]

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"Progressive" Rallyists Call for Lynching of Clarence Thomas
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food Shortages... Please Prepare.

If you think what is happening in Egypt is "so far away", think again. Greece has had riots, Spain and may other countries. It is bound to happen here. The "powers that be" are causing it.

You don't have to believe what people like Glenn Beck are saying to do this one simple thing. Prepare. Being prepared was something that all Boy Scouts are trained to do. They want you to go to study hard in school and go to college to "prepare" yourself for your future. Why not prepare yourself for hard times. What is the worst that can happen? You take up some space in the garage, or closet?

Here are a few places you can visit to check out what you can do to prepare yourself and your family. Just try to explain to your young children, should the worst happen, why there is no food on the table. When they grow up and see that there was a time when the warning bells were sounded and we did nothing to prepare, what will they think of us then? Then, if nothing happens and all is well, they will think of us a people who sacrificed our present for their future. Would that be a bad thing?

List of thing to help prepare.

Seeds for you own garden:

Food Storage for the winter months:

Power for your home:

Water Filtration:

Please be prepared. When you are prepared, you can help those that aren't.

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Egypt unrest leads to food shortages

Published: Jan. 31, 2011 at 6:28 PM

CAIRO, Jan. 31 (UPI) -- Unrest in Egypt has unsettled daily life and created household shortages of food stables such as bread, beans and rice, some Egyptians say.

The street demonstrations have made family members unwilling or unable to shop for food items, CNN reported Monday.

"Everything is running out. I have three children, and I only have enough to feed them for maybe two more days. After that I do not know what we will do," school administrator Gamalat Gadalla said.

The widespread protests of the past week have resulted in sporadic food shipments and irregular hours for grocers. President Hosni Mubarak has also extended the 3 p.m. to 8 a.m. curfew, disrupting normal life even more, CNN said.


The MOST Disgusting "Man" in Congress

Today on his Facebook page, NY Rep. Anthony Weiner post a link that said, "You may have heard that my coffee mug knows more about healthcare reform than my Republican friends. Now its your turn. What else knows more?" It this what politicians have become?

This little man is a total embarrassment to the United States Congress.  I truly feel sorry for him.  He seems to me like the kids in middle school that just never made it with the "in-crowd".  Always on the outside looking in.  Now, that he has a little power, all he does is try to prove his manhood.

Anthony, please go back to the A/V room and let the adults run the country.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


John Barry: As important to James Bond as Sean Connery. (IMHO)

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Composer John Barry Dies At 77

He gave Bond his cool, and a Black Hole substance. He was John Barry (1933-2011), a five-time Academy Award winning composer (Born Free, The Lion in Winter, Out of Africa and Dances With Wolves)who's sweeping scores covered a wide-array of movie genres, everything from action-adventure spy thrillers to science fiction.

John Barry Pendergast was best known for scoring most of the early James Bond films (he composed 11 Bond soundtracks), including Dr. No (1962), From Russia with Love (1963) and Goldfinger (1964), to his last score for The Living Daylights (1987).

Barry's foray into sci-fi, horror and heroes included scores for such movies as King Kong (1976), The Deep (1977), Starcrash (1978), The Black Hole (1979), The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981) and Howard the Duck (1986). The last film he scored was 2001's Enigma.

Barry was educated at St. Peter's School in York and studied classical piano, but his interest in movies sparked his interest in composing. By the late 1950's Barry was working at EMI records, arranging orchestral accompaniment for the label's various recording artists. His big break came during a television appearance on the popular British TV show Drumbeat, with his band The John Barry Seven. This appearance caught the ear of the producers of the Bond films— the rest is history.

In the 1970's Barry moved to the United States, eventually settling down in Oyster Bay, NY on the swanky North Shore of Long Island. On January 30th Barry suffered a heart attack at his Oyster Bay home. Barry was married 4 times and is survived by his son Jonpatrick and three daughters Susie, Sian and Kate and his 4th wife, Laurie.


Hypocrisy... But Not Surprising

From one side of his mouth...

Obama Criticizes Internet Kill Switch In Egypt--

& the other side...


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Pending legislation that would grant the President of the United States the power to pull the plug on the country’s internet access in a declared “emergency” returned to the forefront this week on the same day Egyptians faced a nation-wide blackout designed to curtail widespread government protests. Egypt flipped it’s so-called “kill switch” — will the U.S.?

The bipartisan bill is sponsored by Maine Sen. Susan Collins, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.  The bill — called “The Protecting Cyberspace As A National Asset Act of 2010” S.3480 — was approved by a Senate panel this week.

S. 3480 would create a new government agency called the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications.  The NCCC would have sweeping powers to control the Internet, including the ability to shut down the web for a 30-day period.  Considering that at least 60% of Americans get their daily news fix from the Internet, this is a staggering proposal.

Blaze writer Mike Opelka also notes that groups such as the ACLU see this proposed legislation potentially giving the President a giant kill switch for the Internet.  Before the bill moves to the Senate floor for a vote, the ACLU has formally noted their disapproval.


And he did it without the help of the Emperor!


If this is real, it’s quite incredible.

Meet 19-year-old Eric Jacqmain. He’s a typical kid from Indiana, except for one small difference: he built a death ray that he says can “melt steel, vaporize aluminum, boil concrete, turn dirt into lava, and obliterate any organic material in an instant.” And he’s got a video that reportedly shows all this things happening. Really.

“The R5800 is my latest and greatest solar creation,” Jacqmain writes in the YouTube description of his video. “Made from an ordinary fiberglass satellite dish, it is covered in about 5800 3/8″ (~1cm) mirror tiles. When properly aligned, it can generate a spot the size of a dime with an intensity of 5000 suns!”

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Solar Death Ray: Power of 5000 suns!
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Monday, January 31, 2011


And they wonder why no one watches them... Sad.

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Media Unfair Tease? CNN Ties George W. Bush to Attempted Mosque Bomber

CNN teased a story this afternoon, just before 3:30pm Eastern.

The anchor, Brooke Baldwin actually said this;

“Police say an America wanted to blow up one of the country’s biggest mosques and he got very very close, frighteningly close.  Who is this guy and why is President George W. Bush part of his past?”

Of course I had heard/read about the 63yr old California man who was arrested in Michigan this past weekend after bragging about his plans to blow up a local mosque and getting caught with a car trunk full of M-80s that could have caused a great deal of damage and possibly inflicted serious injury and death.

From all reports, the suspect Roger Stockham was an anti-government nut job who had driven from California to Michigan with evil intentions.  Most reports had not mentioned that President George W. Bush was (as CNN promoted) “part of his past.” covered the story and did not even mention the former President.

At the tail end of CNN’s report we finally were told that Stockham has a long criminal record that included child stealing, threatening to blow up a veterans center as well as an arrest for threatening to kill President Bush. Watching the original tease from earlier in the hour, you might be lead to believe that this would-be bomber was another of the virtually non-existent domestic terrorists with close ties to the GOP.


The Federal Budget & Obama's "Cuts" Explained for Dummies (Liberals)


And they wonder why no one watches... Sad.

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The special program will air Presidents’ Day at 10pm on MSNBC.  For the record, Presidents’ Day is the third Monday in February, observed in the United States as a legal holiday in commemoration of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  MSNBC has decided to mark President’s Day not with specials about George & Abe, but by airing a Chris Matthews special feature which all but canonizes William Jefferson Clinton (one of just two American Presidents to be impeached).

The one-hour documentary follows Clinton around the globe and  highlights some of the good works done by the former President in the past year.  But the release does seem to have small probelm with reality, especially when you consider this statement about Mr. Clinton;

In the last year alone, he’s provided invaluable political support to President Obama, hitting the campaign trail for countless Democratic candidates leading up to the November 2010 midterm elections.

November 2010 was not that long ago. Does anyone at MSNBC recall that the Midterm elections were a bloodbath for the Democrats?  The President’s party lost more seats than any party has in 60 years.  hardly what one would call “invaluable political support.”

“PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD: THE BILL CLINTON PHENOMENON” airs on MSNBC at 10pm Monday, February 21, 2011


Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!

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Government Florida Federal Judge Rules ‘Entire’ Health Care Law Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Florida has ruled that the president’s health care overhaul, “Obamacare,” is unconstitutional. The judge based his ruling on the unconstitutionality of the law’s individual mandate. The ruling affects the 26 states who had joined together to file a case against the law, but also has implications for the entire country.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled Congress overstepped its bounds by instituting the individual mandate, but also said the entire law was unconstitutional since the individual mandate is not “severable,” Fox News reports. Vinson did not go as far as to issue an injunction blocking the law from being implemented.

“I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the Act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our health care system. The health care market is more than one sixth of the national economy, and without doubt Congress has the power to reform and

regulate this market. That has not been disputed in this case. The principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here,” Vinson wrote.

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void,” he added.

Last month, a federal judge in Virginia also ruled that the individual insurance mandate of the Obamacare was unconstitutional. That judge, however, did not go as far as to say the entire law would be unconstitutional.

The ruling is just one more example of why the law is unpopular, and why it faces an uphill battle before being fully implemented in 2014. Still, despite the ruling in Virginia, the president doubled-down on his support of the bill last week, defiantly brushing aside those who question the overhaul.


Can I Bring My Winter Coat To The Re-"Education" Camp?

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Environment Science Czar Holdren on Climate Change Skeptics: ‘It Is An Education Problem’

President Obama’s top science adviser said there’s a need to “educate” GOP climate change skeptics on Capitol Hill as the White House seeks to advance its green energy agenda.

“It is an education problem. I think we have to educate them,” said John Holdren, who heads the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, in an interview broadcast Sunday.

Obama, in his State of the Union speech last week, called for deriving 80 percent of U.S. power from “clean” sources by 2035, and funding increased R&D of green electricity and fuels by repealing billions of dollars in oil industry tax breaks.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

NY Senator show his knowledge

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Government Sen. Schumer‘s ’Three Branches’ of Government No Longer Includes Judiciary

While sitting in on CNN’s “State of the Union” this morning, New York’s Senator Chuck Schumer was ringing alarm bells on what he perceives as a GOP threat to shut down the government this Spring during the upcoming Debt Ceiling debate and the Congressional battle over various elements of government funding. This tactic was nothing new as both sides traditionally use extreme examples to make their point. What surprised me was Sen. Schumer’s explanation of the three branches of our American system of government.

As I have always understood it, and as outlined in the Constitution, we have a brilliantly balanced government that provides checks and balances between the three branches; Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. It is a very simple concept graphically displayed here from the website USA for Kids (a site managed by the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong).

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Mets Sign Dickey

Dickey, Mets agree on two-year deal

The Mets avoided arbitration with knuckleballer R.A. Dickey by agreeing to terms on a two-year deal with a club option for a third year, according to a baseball source.

The agreement is pending a physical, which is expected to take place Monday in New York, according to Martino. The Mets have not confirmed the deal.

Dickey, 36, was a pleasant surprise with the Mets last season, going 11-9 with a 2.84 ERA in 26 starts and one relief appearance after being called up from Triple-A Buffalo to start on May 19. He also struck out 104 and walked 42 in 174 1/3 innings. He posted career bests in wins, starts, ERA, innings, strikeouts, complete games (two) and opponents' batting average (.251).

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