
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Right Hook....

Works for me...

Amplify’d from




Ann Coulter

Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob


Of all the details surrounding the liberal mob attack on Glenn Beck and his family in New York's Bryant Park last Monday night, one element stands out. "No, it won't be like that, Dad," his daughter said when Beck questioned the wisdom of attending a free, outdoor movie showing in a New York park.

People who have never been set upon by a mob of liberals have absolutely no idea what it's like to be a publicly recognizable conservative. Even your friends will constantly be telling you: "Oh, it will be fine. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. This place isn't like that."

Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest pussies on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn't play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives. Their mothers made excuses for them when they threw tantrums and spent way too much time praising them during toilet training.

I could draw a mug shot of every one of Beck's tormentors, and I wasn't there.

Beck and his family would have been fine at an outdoor rap concert. They would have been fine at a sporting event. They would have been fine at any paid event, mostly because people who work for the government and live in rent-controlled apartments would be too cheap to attend.

Only a sad leftist with a crappy job could be so brimming with self-righteousness to harangue a complete stranger in public.

A liberal's idea of being a bad-ass is to say vicious things to a conservative public figure who can't afford to strike back. Getting in a stranger's face and hurling insults at him, knowing full well he has too much at risk to deck you, is like baiting a bear chained to a wall.

They are not only exploiting our lawsuit-mad culture, they are exploiting other people's manners. I know I'll be safe because this person has better manners than I do.

These brave-hearts know exactly what they can get away with. They assault a conservative only when it's a sucker-punch, they outnumber him, or he can't fight back for reasons of law or decorum.

Liberals don't get that when you're outnumbering the enemy 100-1, you're not brave.

But they're not even embarrassed. To the contrary, being part of the majority makes liberals feel great! Honey, wasn't I amazing? I stood in a crowd of liberals and called that conservative a c**t. Wasn't I awesome?

This is a liberal's idea of raw physical courage.

When someone does fight back, liberals transform from aggressor to victim in an instant, collapsing on the ground and screaming bloody murder. I've seen it happen in a nearly empty auditorium when there was quite obviously no other human within 5 feet of the gutless invertebrate.

People incapable of conforming to the demands of civilized society are frightening precisely because you never know what else such individuals are capable of. Sometimes -- a lot more often than you've heard about -- liberals do engage in physical violence against conservatives ... and then bravely run away.

That's why not one person stepped up to aid Beck and his family as they were being catcalled and having wine dumped on them at a nice outdoor gathering.

No one ever steps in. Never, not once, not ever. (Except at the University of Arizona, where college Republicans chased my assailant and broke his collarbone, God bless them.)

Most people are shocked into paralysis at the sight of sociopathic liberal behavior. The only ones who aren't are the conservative's bodyguards -- and they can't do anything without risking a lawsuit or an arrest.

My hero Tim Profitt is now facing charges for stopping a physical assault on Senate candidate Rand Paul by a crazed woman disguised in a wig.

But the disturbed liberal whose assault Profitt stopped faces no charges -- she instigated the entire confrontation and then instantly claimed victim status. In a better America, the cop would say, "Well, you provoked him."

Kentucky prosecutors must be very proud of how they so dutifully hew to the letter of the law (except in the case of Paul's assailant).

Maybe they wouldn't be such good little rules-followers if they ever, just once, had to face the liberal mob themselves. But if Beck's own daughter can't imagine the liberal mob, I suppose prosecutors can't be expected to, either.

Michael Moore and James Carville can stroll anywhere in America without risking the sort of behavior the Beck family experienced. But all recognizable conservatives are eternally trapped in David Dinkins' New York: Simply by virtue of leaving their homes, they assume a 20 percent chance of being assaulted.

Bullying is on the rise everywhere in America -- and not just because Obama decided to address it. It's because no one hits back. The message in our entire culture over the last two decades has been: DON'T FIGHT!

There were a lot fewer public confrontations when bullies got their faces smashed.

Maybe it's time for Beck to pony up some of those millions of dollars he's earned and hire people to rough up the liberal mob, or, at a minimum, to provide a legal defense to those like Profitt who do.

These liberal pukes have never taken a punch in their lives. A sock to the yap would be an eye-opening experience, and I believe it would do wonders.

They need to have their behavior corrected. It's a shame this job wasn't done by their parents. It won't be done by the police.

As long as liberals can't be normal and prosecutors can't be reasonable, how about a one-punch rule against anyone bothering a stranger in public? Then we'll see how brave these lactose-intolerant mama's boys are.

Believe me, liberal mobbings will stop very quickly after the first toilet-training champion takes his inaugural punch.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is what Liberals do....


Lindsey Piscitell is a twenty-something New Yorker/San Franciscan/Nomad who likes to think of herself as a member of the creative underclass. In between panic attacks and espresso-fueled internet benders she likes to write short stories and also sometimes poetry.”

Anyone who describes herself as a member of the creative underclass is conveying the following:

‘I write short stories, aka pieces, and my work is unknown because I’m unskilled at it. I’m unskilled at it, but I insist on doing it and branding myself as a writer because it makes me feel relevant. In the meantime I write for a zine!’

The truth is “creative underclass” means something far simpler:  unemployed and unemployable hippie losers with no working skills to speak of, and no redeeming social value (i.e. are completely useless in a capitalist society) whatsoever. We sit around and write amateurish stories and poetry all day that no one will ever read. We submit our stories for short story contests, some of them get published by random nobodies (we’re still unpublished) and it makes us happy.

I’m not a regular Glenn Beck follower. I don’t have strong feelings about the man one way or the other. I don’t love him. I don’t hate him. But I certainly can’t stand rude assholes like Lindsey Piscitell who violate personal space. I can’t stand deranged toolbags who feel the need to be obnoxious New Yorkers in front of a man who is simply trying to enjoy an evening with his family. When you’re out with your wife and daughter in NYC you are as vulnerable as you can be because you’re trying to protect the only two people who mean the world to you. Your only purpose in life at that moment is to completely protect them from harm. And some asshole like Piscitell has to be a total bitch while the man is minding his own business and not bothering anyone. You throw wine on his wife — what is the best way to defend your family? My gawd, the man is with his daughter. Can’t you pick another time to be a total asshole??

Here’s Piscitell’s tweet:

dANGLINGbABY‎: Fucking #asshole @glenbeck is siting next to me at Bryant park movie night #getthefuckoutofmycity [pic]

Oh! So it’s your city now?? Manhattan was built off the backs, not of the “creative underclass”, but off the sweat and ingenuity of people Ms. Piscatell would take issue with: those evil, corporatist fat-cats with their big wallets, their clever ideas that allow people to get employed, and their tendency to throw their money and invest all over the City. Entrepreneurs, capitalists, ya know, people who dig money. People like Beck who apparently has done quite well for himself with his radio career. He wants to watch The 39 Steps with his kid, and this asshat Piscitell is just so offended that a Republican or conservative would show up to watch an Alfred Hitchcock film; as if true art only belongs to the cultured elites of the creative underclass and you’re repulsed that a know-nothing Neanderthal like Beck would show up (oh lord, he might share your taste in film and art. god forbid!) You’re so emotionally disturbed that you can’t get over yourself for a couple of hours??

This is what these people do, right? They have no real use in society. They bitch and moan. They’re frustrated with their lives. Persistently unhappy. Their writing doesn’t get published by a major publishing house (writing being the one field they feel they’re exceptional at). They suspect they’ve been giant disappointments to their parents who’ve been supporting them financially for years. Ya know, liberals.

So Piscitell claims that spilling wine on Beck’s wife was a “happy accident” (‘happy’? really? keep it class, asshole). But then there’s this tweet from Piscitell’s friend, Marissa Barker, in response to Pisc’s tweet about Beck:

Yes… “accidentally”. What a gem this one is. Her parents must be ever so proud.

More on Piscitell:

Lindsey Piscitell

Marketing & Media Strategist

Greater New York City Area 

Marketing and Advertising


  • Marketing and Media Manager at


  • East Coast Marketing Manager at Genesis Today, Inc.

  • Field Marketing Manager Northeast at Mix1 Beverage Company

  • New York City Marketing Coordinator at IZZE Beverage Company (Division of PEPSICO)

    • Team Manager/ Research Assistant, Dept. Of Sociology atNew York University

    • Intern at WCBS News Radio 880

    • Law Intern at Dechert LLP

    • Part Time Administrative Assistant at DAMG Worldwide


  • New York University

A marketing and media strategist? Haha…okay, sure. Is there another more completely useless and uninformative job title in Manhattan? Basically you’re unemployed because you’re a loser. Another NYU genius.

Here are some more pics of Piscitell. She’s a peach, ain’t she. Lil’ miss “creative underclass”.

Here’s what Piscitell looks like mid-sentence as she’s harassing regular, hard-working people who have as much right to hang out in Bryant Park and watch classy movies as she does:

Here’s Piscitell on the left in all her toothy glory:

Piscitelli is the reason NYC went from being one of the awesome cities in the world to being one of those cities with a bunch of rude, obnoxious assholes. Thanks, Piscitell. You can’t leave people be? You can’t let a man enjoy a picturesque evening in Bryant Park? You have to be the rude, obnoxious New Yorker? You’re not even from New York, asshole. You’re a regular loser, leach, twat who contributes NOTHING to the city, but you take it upon yourself to throw wine on some woman you don’t even know. Classy.

If you wish to tell Ms. Piscitell your feelings personally, by all means: or (thanks, d)

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