After you have honestly done that, and you arrive at the rally, take a look around. What do you see? Do you see people like you? I don't mean skin color, height, shoe size or amount of hair you have on your head. I mean deep down inside. Do you see those who believe that America is the greatest place on the planet or people who are looking for the destruction of what America is? You know what I mean? Those times like when your sitting on a boat with your rod and reel in the water and you feel the cool breeze blow by, or when your at the stadium watching your favorite sports team and you raise your hand for the beer guy to come to you. This doesn't happen in too many places in the world. Personally, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Especially a place where I didn't know if a car bomb would go off and kill me or anyone in my family while we walked down the street. If you don't know what I mean watch this video of Gene Simmons on Shatner's Raw Nerve.
This is what it was/is like for some people on this planet. Thank God, not for us.
So, just take a look around you tomorrow. See who your standing with. Is it someone who you would want at your kids little league game?
If not, then why are you there?
God Bless.
US Blaze Exclusive: International Socialists Orchestrate Unions‘ Rally to ’Save the American Dream’
he National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally’s permit was requested by and issued to
the National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally’s permit was requested by and issued to the International Socialist Organization, a group committed to building a “future socialist society.”
According to their own website, the ISO admits its branches across the country are “helping to build a number of struggles,“ including ”standing up for workers’ rights”:
We see our task as building an independent socialist organization with members organizing in our workplaces, our schools and our neighborhoods to bring socialist ideas to the struggles we are involved in today, and the vision of a socialist world in the future.
Read more at www.theblaze.comThe Socialist Workers Party has labeled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker “an enemy of the people.”