
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Harry Reid... Cheapskate....

Harry Reid has vowed not to pay for the abortions of his daughters, grand-daughters and his wife. Instead, you will have to pay for them.

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The Democrats are more than happy to fund Planned Parenthood, but they will shutdown this government if there is a rider to the continuing resolution that funds the military at war in Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq. So it's fine to pay Planned Parenthood. In fact, the regime is insisting on it, and they're calling this women's health. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrats are out there describing this as a Republican assault on women's health. Or alternately they say that the Republicans are focused on the usual social issues that the independents don't care anything about. But what it boils down to is what's a few dead babies between friends?

Obama's got no problems ordering a moratorium on drilling for oil, but he will not support a moratorium on drilling for babies. Remind me, who are the people hoping Republicans cave on a moratorium on abortion so the Obamas can take their vacation? Yeah, they're going to colonial Williamsburg. It's been a long time since they took a vacation. Rio. Yeah, it's been at least two weeks. So they got another vacation to Colonial Williamsburg. Obama's demanding this thing get settled in time so he can go to Colonial Williamsburg. He has threatened to withhold pay, compensation from our troops, but refuses to withhold money from Planned Parenthood. Now, how is that hope and change working out for you?
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Did you know...?

What a joke our government has become... Yeah, you probably knew that....

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Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Obama-Boehner Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion for Rest of Year

The federal debt increased $54.1 billion in the eight days preceding the deal made by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) to cut $38.5 billion in federal spending for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which runs through September.

The debt was $14.2101 trillion on March 30, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and $14.2642 on April 7.

Since the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, 2010, the national debt has increase by $653.4 billion.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And if you need me...

And if you need me I'll be at the golf course....

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Politics Obama Tells Congressional Leaders to ‘Act Like Grown Ups’ on Budget

“We don’t have time for games,” he said. “Not on this.”


Monday, April 4, 2011


Everyone Who Voted for Healthcare should be in prison....

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Uncovered: New $2 billion bailout in Obamacare

Investigators for the House Energy and Commerce Committee have discovered that a little-known provision in the national health care law has allowed the federal government to pay nearly $2 billion to unions, state public employee systems, and big corporations to subsidize health coverage costs for early retirees.  At the current rate of payment, the $5 billion appropriated for the program could be exhausted well before it is set to expire.

The discovery came on the eve of an oversight hearing focused on the workings of an obscure agency known as CCIO -- the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.  CCIO, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, oversees the implementation of Section 1102 of the Affordable Care Act, which created something called the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program.  The legislation called for the program to spend a total of $5 billion, beginning in June 2010 -- shortly after Obamacare was passed -- and ending on January 1, 2014, as the system of national health care exchanges was scheduled to go into effect.

The idea was to subsidize unions, states, and companies that had made commitments to provide health insurance for workers who retired early --  between the ages of 55 and 64, before they were eligible for Medicare. According to a new report prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services, "People in the early retiree age group…often face difficulties obtaining insurance in the individual market because of age or chronic conditions that make coverage unaffordable or inaccessible."  As a result, fewer and fewer organizations have been offering coverage to early retirees; the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program was designed to subsidize such coverage until the creation of Obamacare's health-care exchanges.

The program began making payouts on June 1, 2010.  Between that date and the end of 2010, it paid out about $535 million dollars.  But according to the new report, the rate of spending has since increased dramatically, to about $1.3 billion just for the first two and a half months of this year. At that rate, it could burn through the entire $5 billion appropriation as early as 2012.

Where is the money going?  According to the new report, the biggest single recipient of an early-retiree bailout is the United Auto Workers, which has so far received $206,798,086.  Other big recipients include AT&T, which received $140,022,949, and Verizon, which received $91,702,538.  General Electric, in the news recently for not paying any U.S. taxes last year, received $36,607,818.  General Motors, recipient of a massive government bailout, received $19,002,669.

The program also paid large sums of money to state governments.  The Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio received $70,557,764; the Teacher Retirement System of Texas received $68,074,118; the California Public Employees Retirement System, or CalPERS, received $57,834,267; the Georgia Department of Community Health received $57,936,127; and the state of New York received $47,869,044.  Other states received lesser but still substantial sums.

But payments to individual states were dwarfed by the payout to the auto workers union, which received more than the states of New York, California, and Texas combined.  Other unions also received government funds, including the United Food and Commercial Workers, the United Mine Workers, and the Teamsters.

Republican investigators count the early-retiree program among those that would never have become law had Democrats allowed more scrutiny of Obamacare at the time it was pushed through the House and Senate.  Since then, Republicans have kept an eye on the program but were not able to pry any information out of the administration until after the GOP won control of the House last November.  Now, finally, they are learning what's going on.


Obama's 2012 Campaign Opening Remarks

"So even though I’m focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today. That is why I am packing my bag and golf clubs and heading to on another great vacation. The President of the United States has great power, and with great power come great vacations, tee times and the chance to meet in private with George Soros and all the other who want to tear down the United States. Now, with that out of the way and the campaign started, go talk to your neighbors. Because a great campaign is not about big parties and loud messages, that are in public, but with you. Talking to the people you know at work, school and especially since I took power, the Unemployment line. Talk to your friends, and if they disagree don't start an argument with them. Show them that you are better than them. Smash them in the face and knock them to the ground, just like my good friends at the SEIU."

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Politics Obama 2012: President Announces Re-Election Bid With Campaign Video

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brain Surgeons At Media Matters...

Maybe they need to hire another 85 people. This group if FAIL!

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Unintentional consequences, I know.  The sleuths of the Media Matters research team and their post drives the point home of why Planned Parenthood does not need taxpayer subsidies for cancer screenings:

In a statement to Media Matters, Felicia Chase Goodman, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Central Texas, explained that through a grant provided by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Planned Parenthood “provides referrals and pays for mammograms and diagnostic follow up treatment for our patients at area radiology and surgical clinics.” Goodman said that last year alone, Planned Parenthood patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms.  emphasis mine

First, I will say at least we now know where some of the Komen PP money is going.  Secondly, while others have hashed out the provider-location argument, I would like to go back to the original point that Planned Parenthood’s CEO Cecile Richards made as the main reason to oppose the Pence Amendment to end PP’s taxpayer funding:

“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their health care access–not to abortion services–to basic family planning, you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer.”  emphasis mine

Richards immediately pushes the panic button of family planning, mammograms, cancer screenings, and cervical cancer [screenings].  However, as Media Matters shows us, Planned Parenthood’s mammograms are paid for by a grant from the Komen Foundation, while the Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) program helps poor or uninsured women receive the services they need.

While MM is obsessing whether the Waco facility provides mammograms, it stripped Planned Parenthood of its main argument on why they need federal funding–I’m sure just what Richards didn’t expect is a blog war where Media Matters inadvertently destroys her claim.

When MM cites that Komen for the Cure Foundation provided a grant to PP, it effectively nullified the argument that PP needs federal funds for “access to” mammograms.  Furthermore, Media Matters cites the BCCS, which also provides free mammogram services, in addition to other services, to women:

Program Description

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program (BCCS) offers clinical breast examinations, mammograms, pelvic examinations, and Pap tests throughout Texas at no or low-cost to eligible women. BCCS is partly funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). Congress established the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program in 1991 by enacting the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-354). NBCCEDP was reauthorized in April 2007.

Additionally, a grant from the Breast Cancer Prevention Fund was given to the BCCS:



The Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) program was awarded a $200,000 grant from the Breast Cancer Prevention Fund (BCPF) to screen women ages 40-49. BCPF is a non-profit organization founded in 2004 with the mission, “to save lives today by providing funds to pay for mammograms for uninsured women”. DSHS BCCS has received BCPF funds for several years. The grant has allowed DSHS to serve an additional 1,488 women.

It is clear that PP refers out (there are no facilities on-site) to contracted providers in which private grants are used to pay for  the mammogram services or the services are covered through the BCCS/BCCP program, so the Pence Amendment would not affect the access to the cancer screening services Richards cites.

Planned Parenthood’s false talking point that they need the taxpayers’ money to provide these mammography and cancer screening services is outed by Media Matters.  Simply stated, if there is not grant money to pay a PP-contracted mammogram provider (as in the Waco’s PP case), then PP refers clients into the non-PP BCCS/BCCP program.