
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Harry Reid... Cheapskate....

Harry Reid has vowed not to pay for the abortions of his daughters, grand-daughters and his wife. Instead, you will have to pay for them.

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The Democrats are more than happy to fund Planned Parenthood, but they will shutdown this government if there is a rider to the continuing resolution that funds the military at war in Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq. So it's fine to pay Planned Parenthood. In fact, the regime is insisting on it, and they're calling this women's health. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrats are out there describing this as a Republican assault on women's health. Or alternately they say that the Republicans are focused on the usual social issues that the independents don't care anything about. But what it boils down to is what's a few dead babies between friends?

Obama's got no problems ordering a moratorium on drilling for oil, but he will not support a moratorium on drilling for babies. Remind me, who are the people hoping Republicans cave on a moratorium on abortion so the Obamas can take their vacation? Yeah, they're going to colonial Williamsburg. It's been a long time since they took a vacation. Rio. Yeah, it's been at least two weeks. So they got another vacation to Colonial Williamsburg. Obama's demanding this thing get settled in time so he can go to Colonial Williamsburg. He has threatened to withhold pay, compensation from our troops, but refuses to withhold money from Planned Parenthood. Now, how is that hope and change working out for you?
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