
Thursday, January 27, 2011

"I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit Islamic Coup on the White House - Atlas Shrugs

This was a statement by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Nile-TV. It was made on the «Round table show».

This is the statement recorded:

Adul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

"I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit Islamic Coup on the White House - Atlas Shrugs

Hollywood Dumps ‘America’ From New ‘Captain America’ Film | The Blaze

Anyone up for a boycott?

Hollywood Dumps ‘America’ From New ‘Captain America’ Film | The Blaze

Army: Missing VX Nerve Gas Blamed for Base Lockdown | The Blaze

Does anyone have Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage's phone numbers?

Army: Missing VX Nerve Gas Blamed for Base Lockdown | The Blaze