
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food Shortages... Please Prepare.

If you think what is happening in Egypt is "so far away", think again. Greece has had riots, Spain and may other countries. It is bound to happen here. The "powers that be" are causing it.

You don't have to believe what people like Glenn Beck are saying to do this one simple thing. Prepare. Being prepared was something that all Boy Scouts are trained to do. They want you to go to study hard in school and go to college to "prepare" yourself for your future. Why not prepare yourself for hard times. What is the worst that can happen? You take up some space in the garage, or closet?

Here are a few places you can visit to check out what you can do to prepare yourself and your family. Just try to explain to your young children, should the worst happen, why there is no food on the table. When they grow up and see that there was a time when the warning bells were sounded and we did nothing to prepare, what will they think of us then? Then, if nothing happens and all is well, they will think of us a people who sacrificed our present for their future. Would that be a bad thing?

List of thing to help prepare.

Seeds for you own garden:

Food Storage for the winter months:

Power for your home:

Water Filtration:

Please be prepared. When you are prepared, you can help those that aren't.

Amplify’d from

Egypt unrest leads to food shortages

Published: Jan. 31, 2011 at 6:28 PM

CAIRO, Jan. 31 (UPI) -- Unrest in Egypt has unsettled daily life and created household shortages of food stables such as bread, beans and rice, some Egyptians say.

The street demonstrations have made family members unwilling or unable to shop for food items, CNN reported Monday.

"Everything is running out. I have three children, and I only have enough to feed them for maybe two more days. After that I do not know what we will do," school administrator Gamalat Gadalla said.

The widespread protests of the past week have resulted in sporadic food shipments and irregular hours for grocers. President Hosni Mubarak has also extended the 3 p.m. to 8 a.m. curfew, disrupting normal life even more, CNN said.


1 comment:

  1. Very true, very true indeed! It's incredibly important to prepare for any kind of major disaster (natural or man-caused) with food storage and something like a diesel generator, to make sure you have energy.
