
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Georgian president unveils monument to Reagan

At least there are some people in this world with some common sense... Try and get one of these built here and there might be civil war...

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TBILISI, Georgia (AP) -- Georgia's pro-Western president has unveiled a monument to Ronald Reagan in the capital of the ex-Soviet state praising the 40th U.S. president for "destroying the Soviet Empire."

Mikhail Saakashvili, whose government has for years had tense relations with Russia, also lambasted Moscow's attempts to "restore" the Soviet Union by creating an economic bloc with other ex-Soviet nations.

A monument to U.S. President Ronald Reagan is unveiled in Tbilisi, Georgia, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011. (AP Photo/ShakhAivazov)

He said Wednesday that the bronze statue that depicts Reagan sitting on a bench "deserves a place in the heart of Tbilisi, the heart of Georgia."

Several statues of Reagan have gone up this year, the centennial of Reagan's birth, including several in former communist bloc countries.

In 2008, Georgia lost a war with Russia over two separatist provinces sinking Russia's ties with the U.S. to Cold War lows.


Sunday, November 20, 2011


Maybe its time I joined the 99%. I sure could use a stay in a $700 per night hotel and an $18 cup of coffee....

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Two Occupy Wall Street protesters, one a key leader of the movement, stayed at a swanky, $700-per-night New York City hotel while their fellow protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park, the New York Post reported.

Peter Dutro, a member of Occupy Wall Street’s finance committee, and Brad Spitzer, a California-based analyst who attended demonstrations during a business trip, both stayed in the W New York Downtown Hotel last week, with Spitzer reportedly opening his room up to other protesters as well.

According to its website, the W calls itself “the ultimate urban extravagance” with a state-of the-art entertainment system and 350-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, goose-down comforters and pillows.

“Tents are not for me,” [Spitzer] confessed, when confronted in the sleek black lobby of the Washington Street hotel where sources described him as a “repeat” guest.

Spitzer, 24, an associate at financial-services giant Deloitte, which netted $29 billion in revenue last year, admitted he joined the protest at Zuccotti Park several times.

“I’m staying here for work,” said Spitzer, dressed down in a company T-shirt and holding a backpack and his suitcase. “I do finance, but I support it still.”


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What if... #1,457

What if this was Rick Perry, Herman Cain, George W. Bush or ANYONE with an (R) after their name... but because it is Obama, the media gives him a pass...

Here is our dumb-ass in chief while he is giving a speech IN HAWAII !!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


One more reason that Herman is the man...

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During Wednesday night’s GOP presidential debate, Herman Cain dubbed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “Princess Nancy” when criticizing her for not bringing up Rep. Tom Price’s (R-Ga.) HR 3000 health care legislation.


Monday, November 7, 2011

It takes two... and one is not the bank....

To bad this OWS fool is too stupid to realize that the only people to blame for his being "shackled by debt" are the Universities (for charging the amount they do) and himself (for signing the papers accepting the loan). The banks aren't the ones who picked the school, or charged the tuition.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

AGENDA 21... You Have Been Warned....

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What is Agenda 21?  If you do not know about it, you should.

Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right?  It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21;

  • Private Property ownership

  • Single-Family homes

  • Private car ownership and individual travel choices

  • Privately owned farms

The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property.  For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land;

Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.

There are two more, very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it: George Soros and the United Nations. Soros money has been tracked to funding parts of ICLEI ;

In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project

As regards the UN, that organization‘s problems with America’s appreciation of freedom and self-determination is one that needs no explanation.

Currently in California, Agenda 21 is working to implement plans to create plans for sustainable management of ‘open spaces.‘ The definition of what is to be considered an ’open space’ has sparked some heated exchanges between those directing the planning meetings and citizens who want private property rights to be respected and protected. (The East Bay Tea Party video featuring a Liberal Democrat arguing against ICLEI can be seen at the end of this article.)

This type of global plan could not be implemented without a large and well-funded group pushing through its priorities. For that, Agenda 21 has the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). And ICLEI is deeply entrenched in America;

ICLEI USA was launched in 1995 and has grown from a handful of local governments participating in a pilot project to a solid network of more than 600 cities, towns and counties actively striving to achieve tangible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and create more sustainable communities. ICLEI USA is the domestic leader on climate protection and adaptation, and sustainable development at the local government level.

Over six hundred cities,towns and counties in America are members of ICLEI? Do you support your local government agreeing to rules and regulations set up by a UN-based organization that wants private property transferred to government control? If you would like to see if your community is a member of ICLEI, you can visit their website.

Austin, Texas is one city that seems to have fallen for the ICLEI/Agenda 21 and was heavily consuming the ‘Communitariasm’ Kool-aid. A local group called Texans For Accountable Government saw what was happening and attempted to stop the Austin City Council from adopting some Agenda 21-friendly initiatives. One of TAG’s members, John Bush, delivered a succinct presentation on ICLEI and Agenda 21 that was virtually ignored. Watch his short argument against the proposed local law immediately followed by the lopsided vote adopting the plan.

In the world of business Agenda 21 is not a free market friend, preferring PPPs or Private Public Partnerships where the government decides which companies will receive tax breaks and are allowed to stay in business. In light of this realization, the cozy relationship between the current administration and GE (a company that paid no tax in 2010) should raise eyebrows. And the WH efforts to tell Boeing in which state they can operate seems to further bolster the belief that Agenda 21 ideals are already making headway in America.

The seeds for Agenda 21 were planted back in 1987 when the writings of Gro Harlem Brundtland (a woman who was first Vice-President of the Socialist International) caught the eye of the UN.  Dr. Brundtland wrote a report for the UN called, ‘Our Common Future’ eventually got into the business of environmentalism as a tool to control all the people of the world and establish a global government. The growth of ICLEI and the framework being put in place by supporters of Agenda 21 appear to be bringing Dr. Brundtland’s ideas closer to reality

In recent months, citizen groups across the country have organized and become involved in the removal of towns and cities from membership in ICLEI. The Roanoke, VA Tea Party is holding a rally this week in an effort to have ICLEI removed from their local government.

For a better understanding of Agenda 21 and ICLEI we suggest: The American Policy Center offers a one-page primer on Agenda 21.

From the Bay Area Tea Party we offer a long-form video covering Agenda 21;

The featured speaker at the Tea Party meeting, Rosa Koire, is a liberal Democrat who understands that Agenda 21 will destroy America as we know it. Rosa’s website, is also worth a visit.

H/T to the tireless members of the SFBAY 9-12 organization for all of their information sharing on the topics of ICLEI and Agenda 21.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Obama's Student Loan Fraud

"The monthly impact of the president's new effort for most Americans paying off college debt will be between $4 and $8."

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RUSH: I tell you, you students with college loans and you parents of students with college loans, do you realize what dupes you are to the regime? It is amazing. The student loan program "reform," it's amazing. We got a random act of journalism here by the Atlantic Monthly that illustrates just how few people this affects, how hugely expensive it is. It's a farce. It's a total farce. It misleads and it deceives students, and it's gonna end up saving students $8. This is one of the biggest jokes to come down the pike in a long time, and I'm gonna set it straight. It's a convoluted, intricately woven web of deceit. But that's what I do here is make the complex understandable.

I'm gonna take a stab at this as we kick off the big program today.

All right, we have a random act of journalism from the Atlantic Monthly, of all places, left-wing rag with a couple of faux, pseudo-conservatives writing now and then for so-called balance. They published an article yesterday about Obama's student loan bailout, and their headline is this: "Obama's Student Loan Order Saves the Average Grad Less Than $10 a Month." So that's what Obama thinks it costs to buy their vote. You students, you parents of students, your votes can be had for eight bucks. Now, granted, you wouldn't know this if I, El Rushbo, wasn't about to tell you because I don't think you read Atlantic Monthly, and I wouldn't blame you if you don't. It's one of the reasons I get combat pay. I do. I'm gonna explain it to you. But that's what your vote is worth.

Now, obviously they think that you believe you're going to get much more help and much more assistance and relief than eight bucks. But you're not. The subheadline in the Atlantic Monthly story spells out how even $10 is overly optimistic. Here's what it says. "The monthly impact of the president's new effort for most Americans paying off college debt will be between $4 and $8." The article goes on to talk about how outrageous the cost of a college education is, how outrageously it's gone up, which has caused student loans to have grown by 511% since 1999, and most student loan debt -- get this, now. This is interesting. Most student loan debt was accrued over the past ten years. Eighty-two percent of all student loans from the get-go, from the beginning of student loans, 82% of all debt has been accrued over the past ten years, and they go on to say that Obama's proposals are basically meaningless, which is what we tried to say here yesterday, but it's nice to see that others are noticing it, too.

So here's a pretty good overview of the whole situation. And, by the way, this is all being done by executive order. And I am here to tell you that if Bush or any Republican was using the executive order process this way there would be howling from all corners. Bypassing Congress, executive fiat, who does he think he is? What does he think this is? A dictatorship? Those kinds of headlines and questions would be out there. The Drive-Bys would be filled with cries of imperial executive branch actions. But with Obama, all you hear is the crickets chirping, even if you hear that.

"Obama's Student Loan Order Saves the Average Grad Less Than $10 a Month -- The monthly impact of the president's new effort for most Americans paying off college debt will be between $4 and $8. Of the many long-term problems the U.S. economy faces, student loans are a big one. Education costs are rising very quickly and incomes aren't. As a result, students will have to borrow more and more money to obtain university degrees and will have a tougher time paying their loans. President Obama seeks to respond to this question with an executive order in the next part of his 'We Can't Wait' unilateral stimulus effort."

The Atlantic Monthly is doing what they can to throw him a bone: "While the president's heart may be in the right place, his effort isn't like to have much impact. The cost of college is growing rapidly. That wouldn't be a problem if incomes were growing as quickly as tuition and fees. They aren't. In order to cope with the growing expense of college, more students are relying on bigger loans." And, by the way, folks, what are they getting for these loans, for these educations, for these degrees? What are they getting? You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree, and what is Suzy Creamcheese's degree in? She spent it on a degree in Oppressed People in the Orient, some meaningless degree like Conflict Resolution 505, whatever, some meaningless, worthless degree. She's comes out after borrowing $212,000 with no marketable skills, and the only thing she has learned at Bill Ayers University is it's all America's fault.

She goes in, gets a stupid degree, worthless education, $210,000 in debt, and she has no marketable skills. And it's America's fault after she's borrowed all this money. So now here comes Obama riding to the rescue after his buddies in academe -- i.e., the Bill Ayers types -- have taken these young skulls full of mush and turned them into basically pizza. That's a little bone thrown to Herman Cain. They come out, they have worthless degrees and they're profoundly in debt and Obama says, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm here and I'll make it okay." Bigger loans, higher tuition, and, by the way, nobody ever complains that the colleges are charging tuition and fees that are rising out of the realm of reasonableness. Never happens. Student loans have grown by 511% since 1999. Disposable income has grown by just 73%.

There's a chart here that accompanies this that illustrates that most outstanding loan debt, 82% of it, was accrued by students in the last ten years. Now, that is a stunning fact, folks. Tallying up all of the student loan debt in history, 82% of it was accrued in the last ten years.

So here's Obama now out promoting a fraudulent solution, just like everything else he does is fraudulent. He's not going to create jobs with his tax bill. He's not gonna improve the housing market with that housing executive order. He has not gonna help students with the student loan executive order. It's all about more lies. It's all about more promises. Now, Obama's executive orders. "The president seeks to make the situation a little bit easier for some of those graduates. He's gonna create an executive order that has three components. Number one: Obama "will clear the way for borrowers with direct government loans and government-backed private loans to consolidate their balances. The White House estimates that this will cut the effective interest rate on student loans by up to 0.5%," as in "Big whoop!"

Number two: His executive order "will limit the amount of student loan payments to 10% of a graduate's income. (Currently, the limit is 15%.)" So the maximum payment that you would make is 10% of your income. Well, if you're Suzy Cheesecake and you come out with that Diversity in the Orient degree after spending $212,000, you're probably gonna get a job that might pay you $8,000 a year at some social services outfit or a nonprofit -- and so that's what your 10% repayment schedule is based on. In another executive order, Obama "will allow debt still outstanding after 20 years to be forgiven. (Currently, forgiveness occurs after 25 years.)" Now, the question: Why pay anything? Why pay off anything? These student loans are gonna end up costing the taxpayers anywhere between $800,000 and $900,000 per student.

The student, on the loan repayment, if they make the payment, will save eight to $10 maximum a month -- four to $8, more realistically, a month -- while Obama is out giving the impression that basically the student loan is gonna end up being free and forgiven, if you don't pay it off in 20 years. The loan forgiveness section... Of all of these parts of Obama's executive order, the loan forgiveness aspect will have the least impact, according to The Atlantic. "By moving the timeline from 25 to 20 years it could be significant in the long run but it won't be felt for decades." Remember: 82% of the current student loan debt outstanding was accrued in just the past ten years. So it will be at least another ten years before any of those borrowers have hit their 20-year mark in their student loan payments.

(interruption) "Why is a student loan more important than a mortgage?" The reason that a student loan is more important than a mortgage is as a campaign issue. That's all this is. This is all a fraud. That's my point in giving you all these numbers. The numbers we're giving you here are real and illustrate the fraudulent aspects of this. Obama realizes... (interruption) Snerdley, we prove it. Every time I start talking about education on this program, the phones melt. It matters to people. The education of their children matters to people like nothing else does. They are very concerned about it. Obama knows it, so here he comes with this magical student loan reform, and the point is (impression), "I've taken it over! Yeah, don't worry about it. It's not gonna cost you anything."

The point is, "Don't worry about it, I'm in charge, your student loan's fine, we're reforming the program, we're gonna make it easy for you to make payments." It's a fraud. The real shame here is by the time it's all implemented, the few number of people that will really affect is shocking. It's like the mortgage and the underwater-foreclosure program -- yeah, mortgage modification. Look at all the grandiose designs and promises, look at how many people actually participate in it -- and then of that few, that small number, look at how many people actually got any assistance. Zilch, zero, nada. Same thing here. Campaign issue, pure and simple. Student loan more important than a mortgage because education's a huge campaign issue to people. It really isn't any more complicated than that. (interruption)

That's right. You have to pay your mortgage off and you have to pay their student loans off. Exactly right. That's exactly right. You've nailed it. You pay your mortgage, you pay it on time and then you're gonna pay off their student loans. Well, that's exactly what Obama stands for. Obama's proposal was geared to getting the best headlines for the least amount of money. It's all about optics. It's all about compassion. It's all about making the student loan community think that he cares. Fox News has a great interpretation of the Obama plan, and here's the headline: "Obama Caps Taxpayers For Student Stimulus -- Obama looks to wring stimulus from saturated student loan market." One trillion dollars is the estimated amount of student loan debt owed by Americans -- $1 trillion, and 82% of it accrued in the last ten years.

"In keeping with his new campaign, 'We can't wait,' Obama today rolled out the plan..." and he's seeking to use this power of the executive order to obtain a taxpayer-financed stimulus that Congress won't approve. This is Chris Stirewalt at Fox. He says, "Take this example: If Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree, her repayment schedule will be based on what she earns. If Suzy opts to heed the president's call for public service..." This is one of the prerequisites to getting a good student loan, that after you graduate you go into public service. "If Suzy opts to heed the president's call for public service, and takes a job as a city social worker earning $25,000, her payments would be limited to $1,411 a year after the $10,890 of poverty-level income is subtracted from her total exposure."

So you take her $25,000, subtract ten-eight from it for the poverty level. "Twenty years at that rate would have taxpayers recoup only $28,220 of their $212,000 loan to Suzy." That's how all this works. "The president will also allow student debtors to refinance and consolidate loans on more favorable terms, further decreasing the payoff for taxpayers," and all this comes at a moment when a lot of economists are warning of a "college debt bubble" that is distorting college tuition rates and threatening to further damage credit markets. The bottom line is it's a huge fraud. It's not gonna save anybody any money on the student side and the taxpayers get screwed royally. It's another transfer, redistribution of wealth. It's an optics move. It's designed to make the recipients here think the government is taking care of 'em. They're not gonna have to worry about their student loans anymore. "The Democrat Party's great! Obama's great! It's a reelection issue, and it's a fraud.

RUSH: Look, if you want to understand this, think of it as reverse amortization. Think of it as the subprime mortgage crisis comes to student loans. That is how to look at this. The subprime mortgage technique, the subprime mortgage philosophy comes to student loans: You give money to people who will never be able to repay it on the basis that it's not fair they can't go to college, on the basis that everybody should go to college. You drum into people's heads for generation after generation that your only ticket out of the murk and the mess that is the United States of America is a college education.

You get that drilled into every parent's head, you get it drilled into every kid's head, and you make college a mandatory life requirement -- and then you put your buddies in charge of the colleges. You put your buddies in charge of curricula at the colleges, you put your buddies in the classrooms as professors, and you make sure that the tuition fees and all the costs associated with attending these colleges skyrocket year after year after year. You make sure that you never put any pressure on the university system, on Big Education, to lower their prices. You never accuse them of "gouging" like you accuse Walmart or Big Oil or Big Drug.

Big Education's off-limits. As much as they want to charge, as much as they can charge, you support it -- and the way you deal with it is the student loan program. So you convince everybody and every kid that the only hope, the only prayer they've got is an education. Then you get 'em in these classrooms and you teach 'em absolutely worthless drivel. They come out thinking America sucks, and they blame everybody else for making America suck. In the meantime, they owe somebody hundreds of thousands of dollars that they're going to be paying the rest of their lives. Meaning, they are into whoever financed all this for 'em. What a scam they have created here!


Occupy Wall Street kitchen tired of serving, er, freeloaders

Its pretty funny when these mind-less zombies get annoyed because someone is taking their stuff... They say they are tired of working 16 hour days and seeing the homeless just come right in and eat...

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The Occupy Wall Street volunteer kitchen staff launched a “counter” revolution yesterday — because they’re angry about working 18-hour days to provide food for “professional homeless” people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters.

For three days beginning tomorrow, the cooks will serve only brown rice and other spartan grub instead of the usual menu of organic chicken and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese salad.

They will also provide directions to local soup kitchens for the vagrants, criminals and other freeloaders who have been descending on Zuccotti Park in increasing numbers every day.

To show they mean business, the kitchen staff refused to serve any food for two hours yesterday in order to meet with organizers to air their grievances, sources said.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

And it was OBAMA that helped bring this on....

This is what they are looking to bring here... Hey, ladies... Grab your Burkas...

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Libyan Transitional Leader: Shariah Will be ‘Basic Source’ of all Law

BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Libya‘s transitional leader declared his country’s liberation on Sunday, three days after the hated dictator Moammar Gadhafi was captured and killed.

He called on Libyans to show “patience, honesty and tolerance” and eschew hatred as they embark on rebuilding the country at the end of an 8-month civil war.

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant “Allahu Akbar,“ or ”God is Great.” He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

“This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory,” he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi’s forces. “This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence.”

Abdul-Jalil said new banks would be set up to follow the Islamic banking system, which bans charging interest. For the time being, he said interest would be canceled from any personal loans already taken out less than 10,000 Libyan dinars (about $7,500).

He also announced that all military personnel and civilians who have taken part in the fight against Gadhafi would be promoted to the rank above their existing one. He said a package of perks would later be announced for all fighters.

“Thank you, thank you to the fighters who achieved victory, both civilians and military,” he said. He also paid tribute to the Gulf Cooperation Council, a six-nation alliance led by Saudi Arabia, The Arab League and the European Union. NATO, which aided the anti-Gadhafi fighters with airstrikes, performed its task with “efficiency and professionalism.”


You Made Your Bed, Now... What?

I hope you fools who support OWS and see now where this "movement" is leading. It will not end until there is the complete destruction on the capitalist system.


If you are reading this on a computer, you are part of the capitalist system. It is YOU they are coming for...

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Occupy Wall Street Spreads to…Tehran?

Iranian demonstrators gathered outside the Swiss embassy in Tehran Saturday, setting an Israeli flag on fire to show support for the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping the U.S.

hat bore familiar slogans, including, “The end of Wall Street” and “We are the 99 percent.“ Chants

“We have gathered here today to support those that have gathered for the Wall Street movement. We have come here in show of support,” one protester told Reuters.

Reports on the number of protesters in attendance varied, though Reuters put the number at several hundred.

A group of Iranian demonstrators chant slogans in a gathering to show their support of US Wall Street protestors, as one of them holds Muslims holy book, Quran, at right, in front of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, which handles US interests in Iran, Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011. (AP photo/Vahid Salemi)

According to the Tehran Times, the demonstrators, most of them students, delivered speeches where they said true democracy could only be established under the “banner” of religion.

The Swiss embassy represents U.S. interests in Iran, which cut off diplomatic relations in the country shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

See more at

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Remember, this is only a test...

The Nov. 9th test is only a test... This will never be done for real. (Unless Obama isn't re-elected. Be prepared, the total government take over is now in the testing phase...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Redistribution of Wealth Hits OWS"

Isn't this what these a-hole protesters want? The taking of peoples stuff is a great idea until it's your stuff thats taken... Will we ever learn...???

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Occupy Wall Street Cash and Computers Plundered by Thieves

It’s been mostly peace, love, and bongo drums for the Occupiers at their Zuccotti Park campground, but recently the leftists got a life lesson that they can’t blame on Wall Street.

Thousands of dollars in cash and pricey electronics have  reportedly been stolen from the clutches of the anti-capitalist movement.

Stealthy thieves plundered the ramshackle living quarters of the Occupation last night, according to the New York Post, including $2500 in donations stolen from the kitchen. One protestor claimed his $5500 laptop was also taken.

“Stealing is our biggest problem right now,” one kitchen volunteer told the Post. Another protestor said of the current security situation:

“The worst thing is there’s people sleeping in the kitchen when they come, and they don’t even know about it! There are some really smart and sneaky thieves here.”

“I had umbrellas stolen, a fold-up bed I brought because my back is bad — they took that, too!” added another.

And still another: “I had my Mac stolen — that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”

It’s unclear whether the Zuccotti burglars are outsiders or have been sleeping there for weeks. Considering it’s the “biggest problem,” though, it seems it might be an ongoing issue. Who knows, maybe they were protestors who decided the whole Communism thing just wasn’t working for them.

An even more interesting question at this point is, will Occupy Wall Street report it to the NYPD?

If so, Occupiers may now be forced to go facemask-in-hand to the officers they have spent weeks maligning, and ask for help in the future to identify suspicious activity.

Even if the cops agree to help, determining what constitutes “suspicious” in a an open air youth hostel could prove difficult.

See more at

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chairman Maobama has arrived...

Screw Congress, I'm Obama damnit!

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Executive Dictatorship: Obama Wants Stimulus Projects Without Congressional Authorization
See more at

Monday, October 10, 2011

This About Says It All...

Which group are you more like...?

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The Tea Party treats the American flag with reverence while the Occupy Wall Street protesters desecrate our flag by crapping on it, letting it touch the ground, writing on it, and displaying it backwards.

The Tea Party loves America and wants a return to our founding principals while the Occupy Wall St. protesters want to destroy the very fabric of American society.

Occupy Wall Street protesters support the mass murderer and Communist revolutionary Che Guevara while Tea Party members protest against President Obama surrounding himself with cronies who haven't even paid their taxes while talking about raising taxes.

The Tea Party is proud to be an American while the Occupy Wall Street protesters are fighting for policies that failed in Communist Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and everywhere else they've been tried.

The Occupy Wall Street crowd want free healthcare, college tuition, and a living wage whether they're employed or not.

The OCW protesters are supposedly "environmentalists" and support "green initiatives," however, they are turning the protest area into a virtual landfill. Meanwhile, the Tea Party groups that attended Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally left the National Mall in pristine condition.

But make no mistake about it, the hardcore communists that are orchestrating the protest are well organized.

Reports are that the Occupy Wall Street protest is turning into a Woodstock atmosphere with people having sex, doing drugs, and partying.

Occupy Wall Street protester crapping on a police car; this is not mainstream America.


Occupy Wall St. Now Hiring...


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‘Occupy Wall Street’ Is Creating Jobs…AstroTurf Jobs

Are you a late sleeper looking for work? The protests on Wall Street could be just the place for you to start a career. And no experience is needed, they are willing to train you!

Who are these people who want to pay you to be part of the protests that former Speaker Pelosi called “spontaneous”?

The jobs are with the Working Families Party.

What is the Working Families Party? WFP is a New York-based, left leaning political party that had strong ties to ACORN and also receives substantial financial support from large unions like SEIU. The New York Times describes them this way;

The Working Families Party was formed in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions and community groups as a way of prodding Democratic candidates to pay more attention to the organizations’ needs.

And the WFP is also hiring people to work at the protests on Wall Street.

The following was taken from two different ads on Craigslist, the first one appeared on September 21st;

The next ad ran on September 26th;

(Yes, we realize that “DIFFERNENCE” should be spelled differently, the image above is a screen capture of the Craigslist help-wanted ad.)

Can this non-profit organization really be PAYING people to protest?  Yes!

And you don’t even need experience – they are willing to train you, and it is a paid training program.

From the body of the ad;

  • The only requirements are that you are enthusiastic and an energetic communicator with a passion for improving New York!

  • We offer substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership on advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, networking and organizing.

  • We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.

  • Working hours are from 1 PM to 9 PM. Work environment is team-oriented, casual but professional.

The ad also states that pay is between $350-$650 per week.


Is this really a cause to support...???

Well, from these pictures, I guess you can say this is EXACTLY like a Tea Party Rally... Yeah, right... Astro-Turf Douches backed by Unions and the Obama Administration...

Useful Idiots.

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Politics ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?

The situation down at Occupy Wall Street continues to deteriorate, as sanitary conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more “equitable” society.

Apparently, there are now teenagers and young adults who have descended upon Wall Street in an effort to turn the gathering into a rave. With a “sex, drugs and rock and roll” mentality apparently infiltrating the protests, Mail Online reports:

Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.

A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping.

These reports will likely only create more angst for Brookfield Office Properties, the company which owns Zuccotti Park (the site of the protests). Brookfield has made its sanitation concerns known. In a recent statement, company officials wrote:

“Sanitation is a growing concern…Normally the park is cleaned and inspected every week night…because the protesters refuse to cooperate…the park has not been cleaned since Friday, September 16th and as a result, sanitary conditions have reached unacceptable levels.”

As the protests enter their fourth week, there’s no telling what will happen next considering both behaviors and the longevity of the cause.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

"The Most Corrupt Administration EVER"

And rest assured... this is not the only scandal the scumbag in chief is behind... More to come I'm sure after we vote this guy out next year...

Amplify’d from
Solyndra for Dummies
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