
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Now we can get to work..."

Obama released his "Birth Certificate" today saying he was doing so because he needed to get to work on the business of fixing Americas problems... so he went on Oprah and then to NY for cash...

Thanks for thinking of us.... Please wake up for 2012....

Amplify’d from

Obama goes to NYC for money, Chicago for Oprah

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama plunged into donor-rich New York on Wednesday, his first fundraising sweep of the city since announcing his re-election bid this month, with a lament that he has not seen his wish for less-polarizing politics realized.

"The hope that I had that we'd start coming together in a serious way ... has been resisted," Obama told contributors gathered at the home of financier and former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine.


1 comment:

  1. And?

    Where is your outrage over tea party and republican fund raisers?

    Who do they get their money from?

    More importantly, do you actually create any ideas or is the point of your "blog" to post the work of others?
