Study Guide: Sources from today’s programs
National Intelligence Council report on caliphate:
We will have universal healthcare 07-26-2007
Death panels (agrees with Palin) – 08-10-09
Health care will cause financial reset – 3-18-10
NEA is putting out Obama propaganda – 9/1/2009
There will be riots in the CA streets – 02/17/10
Yosi Sargent resigns – 9/24/09
Shirley Sherrod is right – 7/20/10
Eric Massa story is a waste of time – 3/9/2010
Van jones is a 9/11 truther – 9/4/2009
Van Jones resigns – 9/6/2009
Acorn is an organization full of fraud & corruption – November 7, 2006
Acorn will go underground – 6/18/09
Chicago Climate Exchange CCX is Crime INC- 4/26/10
Cash for Clunkers warning ( – 7/31/09
Congress will become irrelevant – June 30, 2009
Auto Industry will collapse 7/26/07
Economy is smoke & mirrors – 8/16/07
Debunk FEMA camps myth 3-26-09
We will monetize the debt – 01/05/10
Net Neutrality will neuter the internet – 12/02/09
Cass Sunstein is most dangerous man in U.S. – Dec. 7, 2009
Anita Dunn is a Mao lover – Oct. 15, 2009
Food prices will inflate – April 21, 2008
1. Kagan on Glenn Beck: ‘Panic mongering’ <>
2. Islam & socialism
3. How Long, Glenn Beck, How Long?
David Corn from Mother Jones attacking GB and saying Egypt is all about democracy
4:24 “then you have glenn beck who is literally off the charts. What charts? You can’t even find the charts, your right Lawrence. But to be serious there are hundreds of thousands of Egyptians turning out into the streets, putting their own lives at risk in favor of democracy and freedom of expression. What does he say? He quite literally says on the show this is not about these people, this is not about freedom, this is not about democracy this is about a conspiracy to have the Muslim Brotherhood to takeover not just Egypt, but all of Europe and threaten united states while working with leftist groups He is cheapening their action and their sacrifice, it is beyond shame its beyond reason
MSNBC David Gregory on how MB has matured:
Andrea Mitchell Reports
February 4, 2011
1:32 p.m. EST
DAVID GREGORY, host of Meet the Press: Well, that’s a huge question. What the administration seems to be working toward, and what experts think is possible, is some kind of transition period, some kind of coalition government. You talk about the Muslim Brotherhood. They would play a role. It was pointed out by one of the experts on the panel that they will also be aware of their position internationally. They don’t want to overstep that. They don’t want to turn it into an Islamist state. They have matured politically in that sense and are rather sophisticated. The question of Mohammed El Baradei, whether he’s someone who’s actually a legitimate opposition force remains to be seen. What role will the military play in some kind of coalition government or a transitional phase. That’s also very important.
Expose why the Muslim Brotherhood is dangerous
- Ideological forebear of Hamas and al Qaeda
- Approves of terrorism against Israel and the West
- Ayman Al-Zawahiri was a member of Muslim Brotherhood. He is now Al Qaeda’s operational and strategic commander (according to the U.S. State department), he’s Osama Bin Laden’s personal physician.
- HAMAS: Formed in late 1987 as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
- AL QAEDA: Mohammed Atta (flew the first hijacked plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center) was a member of syndicate led by Muslim Brotherhood
- AL QAEDA: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (aka hairy back dude) arrested for membership of MB, according to the 9/11 commission report he was the “principal architect of 9/11 attacks, confessed to a role in the WTC bombings in 1993, murder of Daniel Pearl, etc. Went to Afghanistan, joined al Qaeda, and orchestrated the ’97 massacre of 77 foreign tourists, do you remember, at Luxor.
- Sharia Law: MB to see the country governed according to Islamic law
- Stated goal against USA: The Brotherhood’s agenda in the U.S. is subversive: the Muslim Brothers “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” — “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America,” by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991.
SOTS from ‘spiritual and intellectual’ leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheik Yusuf al-qaradawi…
Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place.
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) – January 28-30 2009
Dec 17, 2010
“the do not have bombs so they turn themselves into human bombs. this is necessity”
Media Matters
Who Didn’t Beck Blame For Egypt’s Unrest?
February 05, 2011 1:00 am ET — 67 Comments
As protesters took to the streets of Egypt this week, Glenn Beck took to his multiple broadcast platforms to weave an elaborate theory about the forces behind the uprising. During this span, Beck connected the protests and violence in Egypt to, among other things, Islamic socialists, Marxist communists, food prices, Bill Ayers, Code Pink, ACORN co-founder Wade Rathke, the Tides Foundation’s Drummond Pike, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the AFL-CIO.
Egypt: Gaza Freedom March 2009—Code Pink, Jodie Evans (head of code pink), Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn were there
- The group gathered in CAIRO to travel together to a Dec. 31 march in Gaza against the Israeli blockade of the territory
Code Pink visits Hamas in June 2009
“The 66-member delegation met several times with Hamas officials in the several days it spent in Gaza, and delegates (including me) encouraged them to write a letter to Obama expressing that he visit Gaza while in the Middle East to see the damage for himself of the assault earlier this year and the border blockade. One Hamas official stayed up all night and wrote the letter to Obama for the delegates to deliver to Cairo tomorrow.”
Code Pink in Egypt Now—this is their 9th trip to GAZA AND EGYPT in the past two years
CODEPINK Peace Activists Join Egyptians on the Ground in Cairo, Available for Phone Calls, Interviews
Human rights activists from the organization CODEPINK joined Egyptian protesters this week in Cairo as perhaps the only international solidarity delegation on the ground in the country. They have been in the streets with the Egyptian people for the last five days. Several members of the group of nine activists are available by phone for interviews this week. Tomorrow the delegation plans to do a solidarity action at the US Embassy. Medea Benjamin, a leader of the delegation and co-founder of CODEPINK Women for Peace, is currently available by cell phone in Cairo at 011 20-107148431.
The activists report that Egyptians have been excited to see their message of solidarity from the American people. Many Egyptian protesters are carrying signs that say “My address is Tahrir square until Mubarak leaves” and they are holding firm. The activists also report that many Egyptian youth seem ecstatic that President Obama has acknowledged their voice in Egypt’s political affairs but they want him to put more pressure on Mubarak to step down. Women are in the streets and have played a major role in the grassroots movement for democracy in Egypt. Today, as violence towards peaceful demonstrators escalates, the activists said rumors have circulated that the pro-Mubarak agitators are paid supporters of the dictator.
The international CODEPINK delegation had been en route to Gaza via Egypt but with the Rafah border closed they are unable to enter Gaza, and remain in Cairo. The activists will stay in Cairo until they can safely make their way to Gaza, where they intend to continue their delegation for peace. The delegation includes people from the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Switzerland and India. This is CODEPINK’s ninth trip to Egypt and Gaza in the past two years.Groups behind the GAZA Flotilla:
The group behind the Gaza flotilla that engaged in deadly clashes with Israeli commandos today counts among its top supporters the friends and associates of President Barack Obama, namely the founders of the Weather Underground terrorist organization, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Jodie Evans, the leader of the radical activist organization Code Pink. The flotilla was organized by the Free Gaza Movement, a coalition of leftist human rights activists and pro-Palestinian groups engaged in attempts to break a blockade imposed by Israel on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Ayers, Dohrn and Evans’ Code Pink have led several recent Free Gaza Movement initiatives, including attempted marches into the Gaza Strip.
Wade Rathke on Egypt Riots
Put your pencil and computers down for a second, and read a book, if you are unable to simply listen to what people on the street in Egypt are saying. This is how revolutions are made from the bottom, and it’s why they are unstoppable, despite the huge forces daily trying to co-opt their energy and power.
“In a final note for those who rightly should be keeping score at home, props to the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, which once again is at the forefront of monitoring these intersections of politics and technology and was invaluable in monitoring traffic here in Egypt like they were earlier in looking at Google’s experience in China and Russian bot attacks. These folks are good and worth following, and I mean that literally since I track them on Twitter.
But in the meantime keep your running shoes handy and in good repair. The streets are on fire and we need to keep our feet in shape so the dogs can keep barking.
Wade Rathke’s Organizers’ Forum to go to Egypt
An International Dialogue in Egypt
September 25, 2011 to September 30, 2011
Our fall 2011 International Dialogue will be located in Egypt where we will meet with labor and community organizers and other activists in Cairo. There are exciting changes and developments that are currently taking place in Egypt with elections coming soon to determine leadership transitions in what has been an autocratic regime, now challenged by the Muslim Brotherhood and succession and democracy issues. The trip is still in the planning stages, and we will post updates as soon as we have them.
We plan to travel with approximately 15-20 participants, and we will strive to have a mix of both community and labor organizers/leaders from a variety of community organizations and unions. We look for participants to meet in Cairo, pay their own travel and visa costs in addition to a program fee. The Organizers Forum will pay for food, lodging, and ground transportation. And, yes, though we are only planning to spend time in one city on this dialogue, we will see the Pyramids!
ACORN International (Community Organizations International) is a federation of community based non-profit organizations working in countries around the world. We have affiliate offices in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Kenya, Honduras and India working on campaigns as diverse as: affordable housing, living wages, provision of water and sanitation, education, and health care reform.
AFL-CIO’s solidarity center supports the riots in Egypt
Since January 25, the Egyptian people have bravely taken to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to call for an end to decades of authoritarian rule and to demand democracy and social justice. This is a major grassroots movement of historic significance in Egypt and the region, and workers’ issues are front and center. We will post unfolding events on this page, so please check back regularly for updates.
Sot-Richard Trumpka
Trade Union Solidarity with Egypt
Global union leaders voice solidarity with Egyptians fighting for a more democratic future, decent jobs, and life with dignity. Watch messages from B. Barber (TUC Great-Britain), S. Burrow (ITUC), R. Trumka (AFL-CIO USA), Z. Vavi (COSATU South Africa), E. Harrison (CLC Canada), A. Adamczyk (SOLIDARNOSC Poland), W. Lundby-Wedin (LO Sweden), M. Guiro (CNTS Senegal), N. Koga (RENGO Japan), Maung Maung (FTUB Burma) E. Folgar (OGB Austria) L. Cheuk Yan (HKCTU Hong Kong), B. Constant (CSC-ACV Belgium), A. El Amri (UMT Morocco), S. Saed (PGFTU Palestine), L. Trotman (BWU Barbados), F. Anthony (FTUC Fiji) and A. Jongerius (FNV Netherlands).
Egyptian Workers Call for Democracy, Social Justice, and Jobs
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